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RD Exam Masterclass
Our most ambitious course will take you through every nook and cranny of the RD exam. The Masterclass is a comprehensive, visual, science-based program that will help you understand and master every nutrition concept or theory on the Registered Dietitian Examination using principles borrowed from learning & memory science. This program has a lot of creative energy behind it and volumes of research supporting it. It’s delivered in thorough, bite-size chunks and it’s designed to help you remember information and pass the exam, but also make you a stronger dietitian.
Say goodbye to soul-crushing study guides.
Master all of the nutrition concepts you need to know to pass the RD exam — whether you’re a new graduate, consider yourself a terrible test taker, or you’re making a legendary comeback to the field of dietetics. These are explanations that might hit your bone marrow and send a thrill up your spine. (Not really, but almost). It’s also structured to fill in any gaps you have in your knowledge of nutrition.
From the Instructor —
Where should I start?
The program kickstarted Nutrition Genius ®. Only a few years ago, I was a horrendous student, and my grades showed it. You could probably find me in the corner of the classroom, drooling, and drawing pictures. Suffice it to say; my parents weren’t thrilled with me.
Toward the end of college, I decided to clean up my act and make a genuine effort to improve my grades. I decided to bridge my creativity and love for art with learning. I grew tremendously, but I failed to secure a dietetic internship. So, plan B was to take the DTR exam.
Unfortunately, I failed the DTR Exam (score: 24). Out of desperation, one day, during my second attempt preparing for the DTR exam, I stumbled into the world of neuroscience and discovered memory techniques. I used bizarre and creative methods to link ideas together like a story. I found it helpful, so I reworked my study guide and continued studying this way.
Several weeks later, I passed the DTR exam with a dramatic increase in my score. After that day, everything changed.
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Suddenly, I wanted to help everyone. I jumped various social media platforms to share bits and pieces of what helped me pass the DTR exam.
After working with numerous future dietitians, through casual conversation over the telephone, forums on the internet, and via email — originally just for fun — I learned what people were genuinely grappling with, which is how to study. This is a gap I have set out to fill, by weaving in science-based learning strategies, memory techniques, and countless other ideas collected from research to cover dietetics comprehensively.
It has been a long windy road, and to be honest, it wasn’t always easy. After years, I’ve developed something that will not only help you study smarter for the RD exam, but the program will leave a positive impact on your journey as dietitian days, weeks, months after you’ve passed. This is something I am genuinely proud of.
There’s a direct synergy between your ability to learn and your capacity to excel as a dietitian. The more profound value of this program is that it will inevitably patch up some of your learning gaps while you navigate the lessons. I trust that this will increase your value and confidence as a Registered Dietitian in the long run.
This program is for the new graduate looking to pass quickly, for the future dietitian struggling to move, or even a returnee coming back to the world of dietetics.
Priyanka Singh, RDN, LDN
Priyanka is a Registered Dietitian and Creator of Nutrition Genius ®, where she helps future dietitians study and pass the RD Exam using principles from learning & memory science. She focuses on developing creative programs that build a deeper comprehension of nutrition concepts and theories to help future dietitians become better dietitians and excel in their roles.
Feedback on Our Approach to Breaking Down Test Questions
In some shape or form, we’ve always covered the importance of breaking down test questions in our programs, even if it isn’t the center stage topic. Take a look at what some students have said in response to our lessons on multiple-choice test questions.
I’m not as intimated by my study guide as before.
I’m so excited to go into the exam not feeling as much test anxiety and being able to answer the questions without has much second guessing and hesitation.
The MCQ approach really helped me stay focused and not jump around all around and forgetting what i just learned. Making connections throughout my MC questions and different topics helped me link many questions, rather than study them individually . Grouping them really helped me and also finding a correlation between them.
Being able to understand what the question is asking is imperative to our test. No other programs tell us how to understand a question which seems ridiculous since that’s a huge make or break. I sometimes would be confused by questions or would let the answers change my thought process. (During the exam on Saturday I used my whiteboard to cover all the answers and asked myself what the question was looking for so I could start to identify what they were looking for). The most impressive point for me was how you eliminated the wrong answers and even if you didn’t know what CHI meant you could still select it. Now, I’m going to do practice questions every day.
It is with great pleasure that I let you know that I passed my RD exam on Monday with a 28. As you know, the first time I sat for the exam I made a 24, looking back I really think I truly mastered the content but I got confused on what the question was really answering on the exam. Your video helped me so well. I literally broke down the question, sentence by sentence in order to understand what it was truly asking.
The most impressive point of this video lesson I learned was to dissect the question that is being asked. Dissecting the question helped me to determine what part of the question that is really important. I answered my questions during my examination, the second time, very confidently, because I knew what the question was truly asking. Thank you for everything!
How it Works –
We’ve transformed the outline into a story telling structure.
The best learning strategies from learning & memory science are wired into three key areas of this program: video lessons, test questions, and brain exercises, also known as memory exercises, to present a memory-building order to you, which we’ve named The Magic Order.
Referencing CDR’s outline for the RD Exam, we’ve broken each concept into several bite-size video lessons, ranging from 5 to 20 minutes long, occasionally longer. A single topic may contain as few as three or as many as ten videos. Ultimately, the target is to give you a brief, comprehensive tear-down of all the information you need to know in a short lecture.
Your Work is Simple ––
Four Steps to Lock a Nutrition Concept into Your Brain.
At the end of the day, your work is simple. To prepare for the RD exam using The Masterclass, just follow these four steps:
1. Watch a lesson.
Each video lesson contains memory-building features to help you anchor the information longer.
2. Take a quiz.
Quizzes are created to help you address to levels of studying, 1.) retreival and 2.) application.
3. Do a brain exercise.
Brain exercises are unique, fun, and tickle your left and right brain to help you remember information.
4. Do a practice exam.
There’s nothing like the “real deal”, is there? You’ll find practice exams placed between specific domains. The length of each exam varies, but features a timer just like the real RD exam.
The Scientific Research.
Since 2013, we’ve followed learning & memory science. We’ve sifted through hundreds of books, volumes of academic research, and learning strategies to develop our pedagogy and unique style of delivering information. Flip through our research file to look at the learning strategies we’ve used to create The Masterclass .
Spaced Repetition.
Spaced repetition breaks the natural cycle of memory loss. Generally, it’s challenging to apply because it involves strategic spacing. However, we’ve used this strategy in our quizzes, where you will encounter a new quiz. This approach creates a gap, a spacing effect.
Retrieval Practice.
Retrieval practice is the process of recalling facts, concepts, or theories from your memory regularly. Retrieval practice challenges your neurons to restore information and strengthen the synaptic connections between your brain cells.
Historically, people study in chronological order, but interleaving discourages that. Switching gears –– jumping from one concept to the next –– forces you to forget information and remember it better. The takeaway? Jumping around topics has an advantage. It’s challenging, builds your confidence, and within time helps you master your RD Exam topics.
Generation Effect.
Generation effect is a phenomenon that puts forth this idea: you can optimize your memory if you generate information from your own mind without relying on a resource or a textbook. The premise is simple. Generate information on your own accord without depending on resources, and you will recall the information better. This strategy is plugged into different sections of The Masterclass.
Such a tease, but it’s not quite ready yet.
This program is under development. We love that you’ve dropped by to learn more about The Masterclass.
Consider staying in touch with us via email. We’ll send you non-annoying but informative updates, as well as sneak peeks and special offers as we continue building The Masterclass.
Where Art Meets Nutrition Science.
We’ve worked hard to make every lesson an adventure. Each lesson inside The Masterclass is an experience that pulls you in and keeps you engaged. Here’s a quick walkthrough on some of the learning & memory features you will see in every lesson.
Visual Storytelling
Inside the Masterclass, you’ll find clear, simple explanations of concepts, functions, diseases, steps in a chemical process – everything under the sun – delivered in a storytelling fashion. This storytelling structure keeps the lessons engaging and allows you to see the big picture of any topic visually.
Just one look, and you instantly have a snapshot of the entire domain inside your brain.
Visual Atlas
Traditionally, an atlas is a book of maps or charts to explore the Earth, or regions of our planet. In the Masterclass, a Visual Atlas is a memory device with a deeper significance – it carries context, meaning, and patterns of large amounts of information.
They are challenging to create, but many students gush and rave about them as each Atlas offers a reduced, simple blueprint of all the content tucked inside one domain at a glance.
Concept Grouping
Everything connects. Many concepts make a reappearance to help you make associations inside The Masterclass video lessons. Association is one of several hallmark principles in memory science that enables you to create a link between ideas so that you remember them easily.
Root Markers
Get up to speed before you dive in. “Root markers,” visual icons located in the top left-hand corner of videos, give you the quick background information you need to before studying new information. Root markers are used frequently in lessons for Clinical Nutrition, Domain Two.
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Consider staying in touch via email. I’ll send you informative updates, sneak peeks, and special offers as I continue creating The Masterclass.
Test Questions are the Heart and Soul of a Smart Exam Prep Strategy.
One of the many secrets to pass an exam successfully is to answer numerous test questions and to simulate the testing environment.
To emulate a testing environment, you an arsenal of diverse test questions at your fingertips to study effectively. We’ve named this concept “Outfox the RD exam.” Our goal is to help you “outfox the exam” by giving you multiple opportunities to test yourself during your study sessions, so there are no surprises when you get to exam day.
Have a look at the two ways we help you mirror the testing enviornment inside The Masterclass.
1. Quizzes
Ever get irritated with the lack of rationales? It’s easy to get trapped without a compass to move forward. In The Masterclass, we never leave you hanging. Every quiz – every question – has detailed rationales.
We even have a strict vetting process for our item writers that ensures they meet our standards of drafting clear, high quality rationales that answer your most burning questions.
2. Practice Exams
We’ve joined forces with some whip-smart testing software to create practice exams for you. Each exam is dropped strategically between certai domains and has a timer, just like the real RD Exam.
Take these exams over again as many times as you want, and learn from your mistakes until you concepts burned into your neurons.
If You’re Curious to Learn More ––
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