The RD Exam Playbook will raise your confidence, improve your memory, and help you become a more sophisticated test taker so that you pass the RD Exam faster and become the RD you set out to be.
A Quick Tour Inside The Playbook.
What’s inside.
Module One | Brain Science
Understand the four fundamental strategies that form the soul of The Playbook. We’ll explore what each strategy is, why it works and evidence that supports it’s use. You will apply these strategies to navigate your RD exam study guide in a purposeful, productive and fruitful way that gives you results. What are those results? Better memory, optimized focus and an awareness of which strategies to avoid while preparing for the RD Exam.
What’s inside ––
Strategy #1
A strategy that if frequently cited in learning science as the #1 way to stop “synaptic pruning”, the “use it or lose it” brain cell factor. Once applied to your study sessions, this strategy will simulate the testing enviornment and help you manage the second-guessing syndrome on test day.
Strategy #2
Learn the process of changing topics quickly so that once you revisit the information you encourage the neural passages in your brain cells to fortify and build a stronger memory for test day.
Strategy #3
Do you ever stop to look at billboards and large magazine spreads while driving on the highway? With this strategy, you’ll trasnform RD exam content into visual assets that reel your focus in and use your most astounding memory of all: your visual memory to double your smarts and boost your capacity to remember information visually.
Strategy #4
Learn the importance of switching on your neurons like “Christmas lights” then circling back to review information (after a set timeline) so that you pressure your brain to retrieve information it may have forgotten.
Module Two | The “Genius Plays”
Learn how to install 7 highly-effective techniques, Genius Plays, to drill nutrition knowledge into you brain and blaze through your RD Exam study guide in less than 4 or 5 hours a day.
You will use 4 of the 6 Genius Plays daily as they will be your primary steps in every study session. The first four Genius Plays are called The Focus Loop, because each play builds upon another; thus, creating a synergy that leads to a deeper comprehension of every nutrition topic.
Get Started Now.
Get immediate access to The RD Exam Playbook for 90 days and change the way you study and remember for years to come. Select one of the options below to lock in the lowest possible price, and the best plan that works for you and your wallet.
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*Victory Rebate: Get an additional $30 back when you pass the RD Exam and submit a testimonial.
(Save $69*)
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Frequently Asked Questions.
Everytime you invest your hard-earned money, it’s wise to ask questions. We attempt to answer the most common questions below. If you don’t find an answer, hit us up in the chat box.
How can I get a refund?
If the RD exam Playbook isn’t right for you, please send us an email within 7 days of your purchase and we will give you a FULL refund.
Kindly note this is a firm deadline. Let us know as soon as possible via email if you need a refund.
How long do I have access to The Playbook?
You have 90 days to access The RD Exam Playbook. If a problem arises and you need extended time let us know. We got your back.
If you went to college to become an RD, then you already have a basic set of learning skills you’ve been been practicing all your life. This system will teach you how to flip those skills by asking questions, doing thing in a new sequence, and it will challenge you to engage your brain in a new way.
As long as you’re a.) human, b.) you have a brain, and c.) you already own an RD exam study guide, The RD Exam Playbook will help you navigate it, give you the ultra-specific steps and the target on how to study every single day in under 3 hours.
Show up to your computer, watch the lesson, and do the daily work and you will get results.
There three things need to do this. a) you have to be human and b) you need to have a brain.
Chances are you have both.
What happens once I enroll?
Once you’ve purchased, an account, login and password will be created for you, which you will receive straight to the email address you used to enroll. Look out for this important information.
When does the program actually start?
Now :-). You will receive instant access to all of the modules. You can get started today.
Why should I bother purchasing The Playbook when I can Google this information?
Everything is Google-able these days. However, you won’t find techniques inside The Playbook on the internet because they were specifically designed to tackle the RD Exam.
Priyanka dedicated a lot of energy, time, research to develop these unique solutions and used them herself when preparing for the RD Exam in 2015 and tutoring future dietitians from 2016 to 2017. These solutions are specifically geared to tackle issues for the RD Exam. When you make an investment, you are getting laser-specific instructions to target your RD exam-related challenges. This is difficult to create, and it’s one of the many reasons why we think you can feel good about spending your money on our programs. You are getting something unique and science-based.
Another reason.
The Genius Plays are innovative, they are brain-science based, and they are specifically designed to be practical and repeatable. It isn’t always easy to find such a blueprint for the RD Exam.
We believe some of these reasons alone are worth making an investment into this program. Also, if you show up at your desk every day to do the work, you will get results.
Remember, you can always get your money back in 7 days if it isn’t a good fit. So, don’t worry. Take a leap!
Enroll today and get the guidance you need to navigate this big hairy beast.
one payment
50% off original value of $300
Victory Rebate: Get an additional $20 back when you pass the RD Exam and submit a testimonial! *
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two monthly payments