
Priyanka Singh, RDN, LDN

Creator & Founder

Priyanka is a Registered Dietitian, Founder and Creator of Nutrition Genius ®, LLC. 

Nutrition Genius was founded by Priyanka after failing the DTR exam a few years ago. Once a poor student herself, she discovered the power of successful learning and memory, applied the principles to the DTR exam a second time, and raised her score dramatically by several points.

She began sharing this knowledge with people on the internet: forums, blogs, and conversations with people on the phone. This is how things started and this is how Nutrition Genius was born in 2013.

With these principles, Priyanka has coached many people (who repeatedly fail) reset their study habits, change their strategies, and adopt successful learning approaches to pass the RD exam.

Priyanka established Nutrition Genius in 2017, developed her first online course (RD Exam Playbook), and is currently working on a new comprehensive RD exam review called RD Exam Masterclass. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Priyanka, visit a longer about page here. 

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